Mon Compte
Tarif A

Léo Danais (batterie, composition et porteur du projet), Camille Heim (harpe llanera électrique et composition), Jules Le Risbé (claviers, piano et composition), Timothé Renard (clarinette et clarinette basse)

En 2022, Chocho Cannelle est Lauréat du Concours National De Jazz à La Défense, initié par le département des Hauts-de-Seine.

Café Plùm, Le Sillon, Théâtre de la Communauté de Commune du Clermontais, Le JAM Montpellier pour leur soutien ainsi que Anagram’ Productions pour la gestion administrative.

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Chocho Cannelle

Chocho Cannelle is a modern and free jazz that successfully blends electric and acoustic instruments, improvisation and writing, jazz fundamentals, and world inspirations. Open to Latin sounds, electro or trip-hop, the quartet oscillates between lightness and sophistication and claims eclectic lineages. This freedom is also reflected in the very composition of the group, which sacrifices the bass in favor of the harp, whose original tones give the ensemble a subtle atmospheric resonance. Winner of the National Jazz Competition of La Défense in June 2022, Chocho Cannelle brings accessible, airy, and luminous jazz to the stage at Les Gémeaux.